P.Ant. 3 149

Trismegistos: 64202

Transcription based on: Barns, J. W. B., and H. Zilliacus. “149. Christian Prose Work?” Pages 82–83 in The Antinoopolis Papyri Part III. Graeco-Roman Memoirs 47. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 1967.

Fragment a


  1. [...]νομακ[...]*
  2. [...].λων κα[...]
  3. [...]ται· ο με.[...]*
  4. [...]α εκει .[...]
  5. [...]κεναισε .[...]*
  6. [...] και παντα̣[...]
  7. [...] αγαπησα[...]
  8. [...]βιας. λιβ.[...]
  9. [...]η...[...]*
  1. [..n]ame .[...]*
  2. [...].... ..[...]
  3. [...]...· The indeed[...]*
  4. [...]. since .[...]
  5. [...]..... ...[...]*
  6. [...] and alḷ[...]
  7. [...] lovin[g..]
  8. [...]force. ....[...]
  9. [...]....[...]*

Too fragmentary to produce a running translation.

Fragment b


  1. [...]ασουτ[...]
  2. [...]αικαι .[...]
  3. [...]τοοα.[...]*
  4. [...]. ουση̣ρ̣[...]*
  1. Too fragmentary to translate

Too fragmentary to produce a running translation.
